Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Message from the Chair: Kelsey Funes (Volume IV)

I hope everyone had a great summer! I certainly did. One of the highlights for me was a trip to Alaska for the Forum’s Annual Planning Retreat where I got to see a beautiful state with my family and work with Forum Leadership to plan an exciting year of Forum events. Forum Chair Keith Bergeron led us in a session on strategies for better communication which is sure to set a tone for great collaboration and communication within the Forum.

While it is sad to say goodbye to summer, the Fall has a special energy. The kids go back to school. Football season starts. And for the Forum devotees, we get to kick off another fantastic bar year.

If you are new to the Forum or to Division 1, please join me on Zoom for the next "Get to Know D1" call on Thursday, September 26, Noon ET. During this call, I will break down all the great work and activities Division 1 has to offer, give tips for getting involved in Division 1 and the Forum, talk about how people get into leadership, and answer questions. To join, click here: or go to Zoom and use Meeting ID: 309 439 4839.

You can also join Division 1's monthly business meetings held on the second Thursday of each month at 3:00 ET. To join, click here: or go to Zoom and use Meeting ID: 832 8245 6686 and Password: D1.

At the Forum salmon fishing
trip with my kids

Division 1 will have great programming at each meeting this year, but I want to highlight the new Practicum series on discovery in construction litigation that we are kicking off at the Fall meeting happening in Pittsburgh October 23-25, 2024. We will start the day on October 23, 2024 with our annual Division 1 planning retreat at the conference hotel where we will network, brainstorm and plan for upcoming programs. I invite you all to join us. In the afternoon, we will present a practicum on “Mastering Document Discovery.” We will explore best practices and practical lessons for effective document discovery in construction cases. Our experienced panel will cover how to efficiently collect, manage and review electronic information, how to draft your ESI protocols, and how to be sure you discover the documents relevant to damages.

Hiking with former D1 Chair Cassidy Rosenthal
The Mid-Winter Meeting is set for January 15-17, 2024 in Tampa, Florida. Our practicum on January 15 will be focused on fact discovery. The session will focus on how to conduct fact depositions in a construction case, interviewing your client’s witnesses, preparing your client for depositions of their corporate representatives, and dealing with third party witnesses. We will wrap up the series at the Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas in April 2025 with a focus on expert discovery in construction litigation. The panel will teach attendees how to effectively work with experts in pursuit and defense of claims in a construction case.

In addition to this exciting practicum series, we have a diverse set of Toolbox Talks scheduled monthly from now until the end of the year. You can check out the full schedule on the Dispute Resolver Blog under Upcoming Programs and events. Our next call is on August 29 at noon EDT when Don Rea will analyze the issues arising from undocumented change order work. To register, go to the following link: 

I recently heard this African proverb, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It reminded me how lucky I am to be surrounded by great colleagues and friends at my firm and in the Forum and Division 1 communities. Join us!  

Editor-in-Chief Marissa L. Downs is a construction attorney in Chicago, Illinois where she has been practicing law since 2009. Marissa is a partner at Laurie & Brennan, LLP and represents owners, general contractors, and subcontractors in all phases of project procurement, claim administration, litigation, and arbitration/trial. Marissa can be contacted at

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